We all have, before we ever set foot on campus, ideas about college and what life will be like while there. Well, guess what? Less than 48 hours on campus at Moody and the plans are already changing. My expectations are being blown out of the water in the most wonderful way. As for expectations that I haven’t confronted yet, I’ve received some pretty wise advice from faculty and upperclassmen already.
My Plan #1: I will live in Houghton with my roommate named Lauren.
God’s Version: I will live in Houghton with my roommateS, Lauren and Abby.
Yup, we now have three people in a two-person room, with triple bunk beds to the ceiling and lots of strategically arranged furniture. It was quite a shock at first, but we’re all being quite flexible and we’re getting along very well.
My Plan #2: I will audition for Chorale and Band, make both, and join Chorale.
God’s Version: I will audition for Chorale and Women’s Choir, make both, and join Women’s Choir.
This was clearly a God thing. For several months I have been convinced that Chorale was the place for me. When I got here yesterday, Women’s Choir was not on the agenda. However, there were several little nudges from above that I couldn’t ignore. First, I realized that I wasn’t excited about band at all, and I really wanted to sing... and also that for the first time in my life I did not feel prepared for the flute audition. That right there was a big red flag to me. So I decided that Women’s Choir would be my Chorale backup. Today I auditioned for both. Chorale was first, and everyone was incredibly nice, but they were a little skeptical about why I was trying for choir after a long history of band. Also, apparently my low range has really developed lately, because the Chorale director decided I’m an alto! Then I was stuck waiting for the Women’s Choir audition for over an hour, talking to the upperclassmen there an hearing stories, sitting randomly with a couple of the freshman girls I know and like the best so far, and hearing stories about the choir. The actual audition was even better. The director, who is the most hyper lady I’ve ever seen, was very sweet and wonderful. So when the results came up and my name was on both lists, I crossed off Chorale and initialed Women’s Concert Choir. Later, the upperclassmen who had been at the auditions visited my floor and sang “You Are My Sunshine” to Bekah and me before they gave us health forms and a little bag of candy. It made me smile. Plus, for Spring Break I get to go to British Columbia and the Pacific Northwestern states, and in May I get to go to ISRAEL for tours!!!!!
My Plan #3: I will become best friends with my roommate.
God’s Version: I have no idea yet. Maybe, maybe not.
So far, all three of us are getting along very well! I’m actually very excited about this semester. But at this point, I’ve laid the beginnings of foundations for relationships with dozens of people. How am I to know which will be soul-deep and which will only brush the surface? My prayers for my roommates and I are that we will live together comfortably and considerately, that we will spend this semester with servant attitudes and loving hearts, and that we will learn from each other.
My Plan #4: God will place me in a Practical Christian Ministry that fits my abilities perfectly, that I love, and that will give the feeling that I’m making a big difference.
God’s Version: He put me in an after school program at the Salvation Army.
Maybe I will love it. Maybe it will feel like I’m making an enormous difference. This morning, though, one of my FYT professors made an excellent point. She reminded us that sometimes we are called to serve not through our giftedness but through obedience, not in strength but in weakness. I may feel helpless, but the Spirit through me can accomplish what needs to be done. I may feel useless, but I have to trust that I am in my spot for a reason even if that reason is not revealed to me.
My Plan #5: I will find the perfect guy, know he’s the only one for me, and get married right after graduation.
God’s Version: Obviously, I do not know.
I bet you’re expecting this to be about the possible call to singleness and the point that I’m here at Moody to get my BA not my MRS. I believe both of those, but instead I will be sharing the advice of one of my FYT profs. It is her opinion that God has placed a lot of “highly qualified” individuals on campus together who have the same beliefs and the same calling, and therefore we should “date a lot!” because after all, a date isn’t a ring! While this discussion was pretty humorous, I can see where she’s coming from. But I’m not going to outline all my views on college dating in this post.
So, what I learned today in a nutshell: God’s plans are better- trust Him and be excited. Don’t subdivide the spiritual from learning. Stay away from creepy people on the street. I can be an alto now if I want. Culby 5 guys are cool. This place called Portillo’s has cake shakes, which are exactly what they sound like and really good. I really like it here.